Things You Shouldn’t Do Alone


Some things you can’t, and some things you can, but there are some things you shouldn’t do alone at least once in your life. Once you find a friend, there are some things you might try, such as going to the zoo, rock climbing, ice skating, reading a book, walking to the park, learning something you didn’t know without the help of Google, talking on the phone, jumping off the high dive, learning a new recipe, shopping for groceries, swimming with dolphins, painting a house, going to a concert, learning a new sport, flying a kite, playing a videogame, jumping on a trampoline, moving out, painting a picture, riding the subway, tiling a floor, walking a dog, riding a rollercoaster, taking pictures, talking, eating a pizza, going to the Eiffel tower, witnessing a crime, stargazing far away from the city, going shopping, collecting rocks, cleaning the kitchen, shooting hoops, watching Star Wars, climbing a ladder, going to the top floor of a sky scraper, attending a funeral, baking cookies, going to jury duty, building a fire, going to school, fighting an alligator, reading comics, watching a new TV show, telling someone how you feel, learning how to surf, facing your fears, writing a letter, helping others, going to the jungle, swimming at night, firing a shotgun, meeting a celebrity, using power tools, following the rules, breaking the rules, bowling, finding a new job, taking a road trip, making someone’s day, eating ice cream, doing what you think is right, eating too much chocolate, dusting the furniture, learning how to drive, plugging something into the outlet, building a table, playing cards, making new friends, going in the mines, flying a plane, buying new shoes, doing gymnastics, writing a review, decorating, going to the casino, working on an electric fence, visiting someplace new, riding a horse, telling a lie, visiting a friend, going to the library, crossing the street, going to a bad neighborhood, buying a car, going to the hospital, cooking, walking in a forest, carrying a large amount of cash, going to a skate park, playing a board game, going on a cruise, going to the gym, going hunting, studying a beehive, watching a scary movie, performing a laboratory experiment, going to a restaurant, shark diving, going to a wrestling match, walking on the beach after midnight, and lifting something heavy. Doing things like that alone isn’t a healthy way of life.